Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Google Forms are GREAT!!!

I have been a Google Apps convert for several years now. I can't tell you the last time I used a Microsoft Office product on purpose! I love Google Drive because I am seldom working from the same computer. I work at home, at the office, and on my laptop. I take notes from my iPad and iPhone. All of these items can connect to my Google Drive! No more wondering where I left that flashdrive!

One of the tools I like most in Google Apps is Forms. It is a simple tool for gathering data and storing it in a usable format. I have used forms to survey staff, quiz students, create inventories, organize data, and many other ways. What is nice about forms is that the responder does not need an account to respond. They can also submit responses more than once which some survey tools do not allow. There are many question types (multiple choice, checkbox, choose from a list, text, etc) to create questions that meet your needs exactly. It is also possible to create bridging between questions so that the responder is sent to a different question based on their previous answer. What a great way to differentiate for students with different needs! The best part of forms is that the responses populate a spreadsheet which can be manipulated and organized in whatever way works for you!

Google also has add-ons that make forms even more powerful. Use Flubaroo to grade a quiz students have taken in forms. Or try Autocrat to create a mail merge that sends feedback to the email you include as you complete the form you created. Great for peer review, walk-thrus, informal assessments, etc.

Challenge yourself to use Google Forms this year!

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