Thursday, August 21, 2014

App Smash: Great Internet Search Activity Using Kahoot

So I have been using Kahoot a lot this week in my introduction sessions as well as a session at the Region 3 ESC REAL Conference. As I was discussing the tool with some teachers I told them not to give kids enough time that they could google the answer and then I thought "Why Not?!?" Why not use Google and Kahoot together?

This is an activity I would want to do with students on computers, laptops, Chromebooks, etc where they could easily use a browser with multiple tabs open at the same time. Might even incorporate some Chrome tips in the lesson.

First I would find a random trivia quiz. Just google it. There are tons of sites that have trivia quizzes in specific categories or just general knowledge. Find one that has questions they wouldn't already know. Maybe use pop culture from before they were born. I would aim at 10-20 questions based on the age of the group and their experience with web searching.

Setup a Kahoot quiz using the trivia questions and answers. For this activity I would give each question between 60-120 seconds for response. Give them enough time to do several searches to find the answer. Since Kahoot will move on once all players have responded it might be wise to allow for the full 120 seconds.

As each correct answer is revealed, discuss who got the answer right. Ask them their strategies. What site did they find the answer on? Did they just type in the exact question? Use Boolean, keywords, phrases? The teachable moments here are endless.

Once the lesson is over, download the results for your documentation and to assess how each student did. This might be an activity (with new questions, of course) that you could use sporadically throughout the year!

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